qoncept – an innovative and dynamic company for the digitization of manufacturing processes

von | Nov. 7, 2018 | Allgemein

We are qoncept …

… an innovative and dynamic company for the digitization of manufacturing processes. We love and live metallurgy and particularly the production of steels and non-ferrous metals.


We can look back on many years of experience in the metals industry where our passion, the combination of the two engineering disciplines of software development and metallurgy, began.


We speak the language of the users from the metals industry as well as the language of software suppliers and developers.


We partner by sharing our expertise in all fields of software engineering, from the analysis of the current situation up to the final implemented software.


We focus on helping our clients understand the world where „traditional metallurgy“ meets the state-of-the-art industrial software.


Many companies are currently facing the trend-setting question as to what extent the course must be laid today for the use of Industry 4.0 components. In order to answer this question, the different technologies and components of Industry 4.0 must first be understood and transferred to the respective industry.


This is what we do:
Collect, analyze and understand software requirements for the metals industry. Designing, developing and implementing solutions together with our customers and based on state-of-the-art methods.

Solutions that can be implemented efficiently to rapidly achieve an added value.


Wir & qoncept

  • Hosted VOIP PBX
  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Nextcloud Hosting

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